Effective Immediately - Hellam Township is operating under new business hours. Monday - Thursday 8:00am to 5:00pm. Friday 8:00am to 12:00pm.

Planning Sessions Scheduled with the Emergency Management Agency

Posted on December 30, 2024

Eastern York County Emergency Management Agency Logo

The Eastern York County Emergency Management Agency is going to begin the second phase of our Emergency Operations Plan development.  In phase 1, we received feedback from those individuals that completed the survey of the ranking of hazards within our community.  Phase 2 is going to review the hazards and identify plans or processes that will be used to assist the first responders and community in the event of a disaster. We want to ensure all individuals within our population are represented within our planning documents.

After the Hurricane Helene affected the South, Nationally there was commentary on the response of Emergency Management.  During these sessions you will learn the roles and responsibilities of emergency management in a disaster and what assistance you may get from PEMA and FEMA in large scale disasters. There are many myths that are perpetuated and we will assist with dispelling those myths during these planning sessions.

We have scheduled two planning sessions that will occur on Saturday January 25, 2025 and Saturday February 22, 2025.  These sessions will be held at the Emergency Operations Center located in the Hellam Township Public Works building from 10:00 AM until Noon.

Please register at the following link, https://forms.gle/2TKretZUwYtAd8Cd9, so that we ensure appropriate space and in the event of inclement weather we can contact you.EMA Stakeholder Meetings Letter

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