PennDOT will begin base repairs on Route 30 beginning Monday, September 23rd. Weather permitting, work will be performed from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM . The work limits extend from the Hallam exit to the Wrights Ferry Bridge. Crews will work in the eastbound direction next week, and in the westbound direction the following week starting Monday, September 30. There will be alternating left and right lane restrictions during work hours. Motorists should be alert and drive with caution through the work zone.

FAQ Topic: Personal taxes

How do I pay my property taxes?

Tax Collector: Elizabeth Adcock  Mailing Address: 4900 Pleasant Valley Rd. York, PA 17406 Phone: 717-751-6910 Fax: 717-751-6929

How do I pay my income taxes?

Local Earned Income Tax: Local earned income tax is based on your earnings and usually collected via payroll deduction from your employer. Local Services Tax: Local Services tax is $52 per year and is collected via payroll deduction from your employer State Income Tax:

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