How do I get my pet licensed?
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture regulates and issues pet licensing in York County. For more information, please visit their website. Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: Pet Licensing
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture regulates and issues pet licensing in York County. For more information, please visit their website. Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: Pet Licensing
To register or renew your vehicle registration, please visit the DMV website at
Before starting any business in the Township, contact the Zoning Officer to discuss your plans, by calling the Township at 717-434-1300
The Township does not require a license for you to run a business. However, you need to verify all State and County regulations first before proceeding. You’ll also need to speak with the zoning officer before starting any business within the Township, to make sure you’re adhering to the appropriate zoning guidelines.
To obtain or renew a driver’s license, visit your local DMV location, or visit their website at