We’re excited to launch a new website that will help us better serve Hellam Township.
Why this matters
The new site improves access to Hellam Township government information and services. It also better empowers those internally who manage our digital services to the community.
There are two phases to our official launch:
- BETA: Get feedback from the community.
- LIVE: Formally launch the official website (and continuously improve it)
What’s been done:
- Training and empowerment on new web tools
- Organize content into a customer service approach
- Prioritize plain language
- ADA compliance
- Predictive search
- Mobile-friendly design
- Interactive get answers
- Updated services information
- Website encryption
- BETA Launch
- Iterate on feedback
- LIVE launch
What’s up next:
- Add and improve content
- Add more forms
- Continuous improvement
Give us your feedback
As we build the new website, we want your input. Please share your ideas.
Connect with us
We want to make sure you’re updated on our progress.